DATE: 09/01/09
S> O
>appears weak
>looks pale
>irritable at times
>with lab results of: Serum K= 1.75 mmol/min
>with VS as follows: BP- 160/100; T- 35.9; P- 87; R-15
A> Activity intolerance related to generalized muscle weakness secondary to decreased levels of potassium and sodium in the blood
P> After 8 hours of nursing interventions, patient will be able to deal with contributing factors of intolerances and manage activities within individual limits
I> Established rapport
>Assessed general conditions
>Monitored VS
>Reduced intensity level or discontinued activities that cause undesired physiological changes
>Provided supplemental O2
>Planned care to carefully balance rest periods with activities
>Provided positive atmosphere, while acknowledging difficulty of the situation for the client
>Encouraged expression of feelings
>Assisted with activities and provide use of assistive devices
>Provided comfort measures
>Assisted client in learning and demonstrating appropriate and safety measures
>Administered medicines as ordered
E> Goal met, patient was able to deal with contributing factors of intolerances and managed activities within individual limits.
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