1. Promote health
2. Prevent illness
3. Restore health
4. Alleviate suffering
2 universal principles:
a. The need for nursing is universal
b. Respect for human right is inherent in nursing
Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing (PRBON)
Þ Primary agency responsible for the regulation of the admission, registration and practice of the nursing profession in the Philippines.
Þ 7-person board (1 chairperson and 6 members)
Þ Appointed by the President of the Philippines from 2 recommendees from the PRC chosen from 3 nominees by the PNA
Þ Qualifications, requirements and duties (refer to RA 9173)
Philippine Nurses Association
Þ biggest and earliest national nursing professional organization which was accredited by the government on September 15, 1975
Þ Initially called Filipino Nurses Association (FNA), formed in 1922
Standards of Safe Nursing Practice – composed of the following professional nursing organizations:
4. PNA
Last week of October – “Nurses Week”
Certificate of Registration/Professional license – issued to an examinee who passes the exam, paid the prescribed fees for license and take his/her oath set by the PRC; renewed after 3 years.
Competency Standards in Nursing Practice
ð Prepared by the Committee on Core Competency Standards Development for PRC-BON and the CHED-TCNE
ð Aims to improve further the quality standards of nursing practice in the Philippines and to ensure global competitive of Philippines RN’s.
Core Competencies and Indicators
1. Safe and Quality Nursing Care
2. Management of Resources And Environment
3. Health Education
4. Legal Responsibility
5. Ethico-Moral Responsibility
6. Personal and Professional Development
7. Quality Improvement
8. Research
9. Record Management
10. Communication
11. Collaboration and Teamwork
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