J Promulgated by the PRC on July 23,2003
J States that the hallmark of all professionals is their willingness to accept a set of professional and ethical principles which they will follow in the conduct of their daily lives.
J Acceptance of these principles requires the maintenance of a standard of conduct higher than what is required by law.
J The code of Good Governance in the Philippines shall be adopted by all by all registered professionals (Section 1).
J Adopted by the PRC & 42 PRC Boards to cover an environment of good governance in which all Filipino professionals shall perform their duties.
J General Principles
1. Service to others – commitment to a life of sacrifice and genuine unselfishness in carrying out their professional duties even at the expense of personal gain
2. Integrity and objectivity – performance of responsibilities with the highest sense of integrity & imbued with nationalism and spiritual values, maintain objectivity & be free of conflicts of interest
3. Professional competence – obligation to keep up with new knowledge and techniques in their field and upgrade level of competence
4. Solidarity and Teamwork – maintain & support one professional organization for all its members
5. Social and Civic Responsibility – carry out professional duties with due consideration of the broader interest of the public, serve them with professional concern consistent with their responsibilities to society & contribute to the attainment of the country’s national objective.
6. Global competitiveness – open to challenges of a more dynamic and interconnected world, rise up to global standards and maintain levels or professional practices fully aligned with global best practices.
7. Equality of all professions – all professional shall treat their colleagues with respect and strive to be fair in their dealings with one another.
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