
Tuesday, September 14, 2010


BON Res. # 220 s. 2004 – Promulgation of the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (amended code of ethics for nurses)

         Sec. 1 – Health is a fundamental right of the individual (4-fold responsibilities & if not possible assistance towards a peaceful death

         Sec 2 – Nurses have to gain knowledge & understanding of man’s cultural, social, spiritual, psychological, & ecological aspects of illness utilizing the therapeutic process.

         Sec. 3 – The desire for respect & confidence of clientele, colleagues, co-workers, & the members of the community provide the incentive to attain & maintain the highest possible degree of ethical conduct.

 Article II - Registered Nurses and People (Service to Others)
1.      Values, customs & spiritual beliefs  held by the individual shall be   represented
2.      Individual freedom to make rational & unconstrained decision shall be respected.
3.      Personal information acquired in the process of giving nursing care shall       be in strict confidence.

Article III – Registered Nurse and Practice (Integrity and Objectivity)
1.      Human life is inviolable
2.      Quality & excellence in the care of the patients are the goals of nursing practice
3.      Accurate documentation of actions & outcomes of delivered care is the hallmark      of nursing accountability
4.      RN’s are the advocate of the patients: they shall take appropriate steps to safeguard their rights & privileges.
5.      RN’s are aware that their actions have professional, moral & legal dimensions.  They strive to perform their work in the best interest of all concerned.

Article IV – Registered Nurses and Co-Workers (Solidarity and Teamwork)
1.      The RN is in solidarity with other members of the health care team in working for the patient’s best interest.
2.      The RN maintains collegial & collaborative working relationship with colleagues & other health care providers.

Article V – RN, Society and Environment (Social and Civic Responsibility)
1.      The preservation of life, respect for human rights & promotion of a healthy environment shall be a commitment of a RN
2.      The establishment of linkages w/ the public in promoting local, national & international efforts to meet health & social needs of the people as a contributing member of society is a noble concern of a RN

Article VI – RN and the Profession (Professional Competence; Global Competitiveness; Equality of all Professions)
1.      Maintenance of loyalty to the nursing profession & preservation of its integrity are ideal
2.      Compliance w/ the by-laws of the PNA, & other professional organizations of w/c the RN is a member is a lofty duty
3.      Commitment to continual learning and      active participation in the development & growth of the profession are commendable obligations
4.      Contribution to the improvement of the socio-economic conditions & general welfare of nurses through appropriate legislation is a practice & visionary mission.


  1. article VII is not mentioned here. ty

  2. I have read several articles on this issue but you have brought up some interesting points. Just when I thought there was nothing new to investigate, you’ve proven me wrong.
