THE NURSING CORNER website is a fast growing nursing community, a helpful resources to nurses and nursing students. We bring you the latest news and trends in nursing. Our aim is to make it easier for you to get your nursing license locally and abroad by providing you the most comprehensive references and reviewers.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Schedule of Registration for passers of the May 2014 Nurse Licensure Exam

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) hereby informs all those who passed the May 2014 Nurse Licensure Exam in Manila and Pampanga of the schedule of their initial registration at the PRC Registration Division in Manila:  MANILA PASSERS JULY 23 (Wednesday)    CHARMAINE T. ABAD   -      MERYLL ROSE A. BAYUDAN JULY 24 (Thursday)    GRACE SHIELA S. BAZAR   -     ...


Initial registrants are advised to observe the following steps: Download your oath form HERE and bring the following: 1.1 Printed Oath Form. Please note that there is NO NEED to have the Oath Form notarized.1.2 One (1) documentary stamp1.3 One (1) passport size picture in plain background with complete name tag (for Registry of Professionals)1.4 Current Community Tax Certificate (cedula)  Present duly accomplished or downloaded oath...